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Recent Articles

Rabu, 15 November 2023

recently played >33


My Playlist : 

☆ keepyousafe -Yahya

☆ cigarettes of ours -Ardhito Pramono

☆ blue jeans -GANGGA

☆ fine today -Ardhito Pramono 

☆ one only -Pamungkas

☆ if you could see me cryin' in my room -Arash Buana , Raissa Anggiani

☆ forever -GANGGA

☆ UNDERSTAND -keshi 

☆ Here With Me -d4vd

☆ Someone To Stay -Vancouver Sleep Clinic

☆ I Love but I'm Letting Go -Pamungkas

☆ Walking Back Home -Vira Talisa

☆ To The Bone -Pamungkas

☆ Somebody's Pleasure -Aziz Hendra

☆ Losing Us. -Raissa Anggiani

☆ Say You Won't Let Go -James Arthur 

☆ Photograph -Ed Sheeran

☆ You Are Enough -Sleeping At Last

Rabu, 08 November 2023

chapter 2༊*·˚

 Be Confident

helaww, welcome back with me!!

I want to tell you how to increase your self-confidence

Sometimes we feel insecure when meeting new people. we feel that other people are always more perfect than us. However, I believe you can change all that

These are some tips to increase your self-confidence : 

improve body posture
Please remember, if you are dealing with other people, you must pay attention to your body posture. Don't stand hunched over so you don't appear insecure

smell good feel good
number two, use perfume that doesn't smell strong or use deodorant!!

wear your best clothes
clothes don't have to be expensive, but try to look neat

♡ looking for hair style inspiration
you can look for hair style inspiration on social media such as TikTok, Instagram, or Pinterest

brush your teeth and tongue 3x a day
personal hygiene needs to be paid attention to >3

do your skincare or makeup
taking care of your face is certainly very important. You can do a skincare routine or learn simple makeup to look fresher and more elegant

don't forget to smile
don't forget to smile when meeting people. A smile will make other people happy with your presence

These are some tips to increase your self-confidence. I hope you can show your best when you meet cloth people
see you!!

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2023

chapter 1༊*·˚

Way to Be Happier


  yes, we need this!!

  sometimes many people    cannot feel happiness in    their life.

  Happiness is something that is certainly necessary for all of us.        
  Believe me, happiness can be applied starting from small things.


I will help you so that you can pay more attention to every little thing in your life so you can feel happier.


to be happier we need, 

☆ grateful

Gratitude can be felt starting from small things.  You can have a delicious breakfast, see the beautiful morning sun, laugh with friends who make you comfortable, or just being able to go to school can make you happier.

realize that God has given it all to make you happy..

☆ don't overthink

keep negative thoughts away from you. Negative thoughts only make you stop at one point. Don't limit your abilities by thinking too much about bad things🐕

☆ stay away from toxic people

Toxic people are the same as negative things that you have to stay away from. being friends with toxic people will only make you fall into bad things. So, look for healthy relationships that can increase your positive aura!!

don't forget to smile

I know this is just a trivial thing. However, with a little smile you can radiate happiness to other people. Don't forget, so that other people can feel our positive aura, don't forget to always be friendly to everyone you meet.

achieve the goal

work on achieving your goals from now on. Goals don't have to be big, but small goals that you may often take for granted. By achieving these goals, we can definitely feel more confident in what we are capable of and we can radiate happiness if we succeed in achieving our goals.

I hope that these few tips can make you enjoy life more. Don't forget to be grateful, and don't forget to be happy everyone!!🤍🌿

Rabu, 13 September 2023

PPDB Panderman



Spirit of Mary!!

Halo semuanyaaa:))

kali ini akan hadir kembali informasi mengenai Sekolah SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang. 

informasi yang lalu sudah hadir tentang Panderman Cup, nahh untuk yang sekarang ini tentu lebih spesial lagii. 

ada kabar baik untuk kalian yang sekarang sudah berada di bangku kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar..

sekolah SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang telah membuka penerimaan peserta didik baru tahun ajaran 2024-2025.

sebagai siswa yang ber sekolah di SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang, saya akan memberikan sedikit testimoni nihh!!

- SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang merupakan salah satu sekolah Katolik terakreditasi 'A'. Selain itu, sekolah inijuga merupakan sekolah ADIWIYATA lhooo. Tentunya sekolah ini memiliki lingkungan belajar yang bersih, nyaman, sejuk, indah, dan hijau. fasilitas di sekolah ini juga lengkap. Para guru dan siswa selalu menerapkan sikap saling menghormati, menghargai, dan toleransi terhadap umat beragama lain. Yukk buruan Joinn sekarang!!

info lebih lengkap dapat dibaca di media sosial SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang yaa 😻💗

web : https://smpksantamaria2malang.sch.id/

ig : @smpksantamaria2malang_official

email : smpksantamaria2mlg@gmail.com


Rabu, 23 Agustus 2023

Panderman Basketball

Panderman Cup 

Breaking News!!🐧

Salah satu sekolah swasta di Malang, yaitu SMPK Santa Maria 2 Malang memiliki banyak keunikan. 

Salah satu keunikan tersebut adalah diadakannya ''Panderman Cup'' sebagai ajang perlombaan bola basket tingkat sekolah dasar se-Jawa Timur


menarik banget ga sihh??

tentuu dongg!!★ 彡

Panderman Cup ini bisa dibilang sebagai tradisi di SMPK Santa Maria II Malang.

Biasanya, Panderman Cup ini diadakan saat Bulan Oktober

Karna kegiatannya menarik, yukk buruan daftarkan sekolah kalian!!

Para pe basket sekolah dasar di Jawa Timur wajib banget nihh ikutan

Biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp 100.000,00
Jangan lupa klik link dibawah ini yaa

Dapatkan total hadiah Rp15.000.000,00

Sampai ketemu di Panderman Cup!!💫

Rabu, 02 Agustus 2023

⋆·˚ ༘ *Introduction


  it's me, Jelita Ayu
  you can call me Jelita.


my hobbies are drawing💗, singing🎧🎵, reading novels📔, and  sometimes trying new things like playing music.

my goal is to become someone who has positive energy.

i want you guys to be able to have positive energy too. although     it's not easy.

this website will share various kinds of tips about various things•°. *࿐

we will learn together to be more confident and able to spread positive aura!!

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